Sunday, September 27, 2009

When U cannot sit on Vajrasana after meals...

When you have no time or you are in your office/college, then make it a point to sit straight in your chair after your meals atleast for five minutes. The purpose is to keep your spine straight so that the food is very easily and quickly digested. Once you make it a habit, then it will not be difficult.

But when you have time and place, do sit on Vajrasana because it will also make your back, legs and feet firm, toned and strong increasing your concentration power too (because you are keeping your back straight ) Unless and until you practice, you will not know the wonders of this asana. While sitting in this posture, (you can sit on your bed) you can read a book or watch T.V ; make your family members also sit along with you.

Still, if you cannot sit, lie on your left side ( called Narayan pose ). This helps the liver (situated on the right side of the body) to secret bile which dissolves fats and aids in digestion.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

If your kids / grown-ups do not eat vegetables

Children are very fussy about eating gourds and pumpkins (Kaddu, lauki, tinda, turai, petha), arvi and other such vegetables. These, combined with carrots, beans and tomatoes can be used to make the following :

1. BHAAJI can be made from ( finely chopped, boiled and mashed ) all kinds of veggies and eaten with pav or bread roasted on griddle with ghee (Children can afford to eat ghee).

2. MANCHURIAN BALLS made from chopped/grated vegetables of the sort.

3. STOCK (the nutritious water got by boiling vegetables) can be used to make :

Gravies of Manchurian, koftas or any other curry the child loves to eat.
Dough for chappathis.
Rice, fried rice, biryani.
Sambhar, Upma, Chilli paneer etc.
Batter to make idlis, chillas, dosas, utthappams etc.

4. VEG. FOR SALADS can be grated, mixed with cream or hung curd and used for sandwiches

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Drink water in a proper way !

1. It is best to drink water in the morning as soon as you get up (beneficial in migraine too).

2. Drink plenty of water between meals--between breakfast and lunch and between lunch and dinner. Do not drink much water before you hit bed (you may get puffinness under your eyes). It is good to follow the adage : "Water in the morning; buttermilk in the afternoon and milk in the night".

3. Do not drink water with meals. Water dilutes the digestive juices and the food is not digested properly. Glass of water can be kept on the table, you may need it (people often talk while they eat). Drink water after an hour and you will feel thirsty after every hour. Making a habit of drinking water every hour will help you drink sufficient water throughout the day. Helps you in parties.

4. When you drink water, keep in your mouth for a second and then take in, following the maxim : "Eat liquids". The salivary glands too need water.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

6 ways to blast the belly fat

1. Keep your posture straight -- shoulders pushed slightly backwards and tummy in.

2. In between meals, do not snack on chips and popcorns; instead munch raisins( they are mild lexative) and nuts( they are cholestrol -free).

3. Melt the fat by drinking a cup of hot water with 1 tsp honey and 10 drops of lilme juice whenever you are hungry.

4. Eat food containing fibre like nuts, sprouts, fruits salad and boiled vegetables. The fat globules get caught in the fibres and are thrown out of the body.

5. Practice Ajgar Mudra 5 times daily - Exhale, taking the tummy in as if it will go and touch your back (it will not ofcourse, but just imagine). Inhale back slowly.

6. Do not drink cold water post-exercise. A hot herbal tea or honey & lime in warm water can be had.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

A maxim of Hatha Yoga

" It is not what a man eats, but the amount that he assimilates, that nourishes him."
Eat nutrious and nourishing food, extracting the maximum amount of nourishment from the minimum amount of food.The stomach is a pear -shaped bag with a capacity of about one quart (1.136 litre or 2 pints). Fill your stomach 1/2 with food, 1/4 with water and leave 1/4 for the air. Miss a meal once a week to give rest to the digestive system.

Yoga in our day to day life

India is a great country and our culture and heritage given by saints and yogis are unparalleled and we must be proud of it. Yoga is a part of our heritage. It offers a dynamic plan of harmonious living and is very helpful in our physical, mental and spiritual advancement.

Health is the natural state of man, and Disease is simply the absence of health. Various kinds of asanas are for general health and can cure many diseases. For instance, Vajrasana, which makes our body firm and strong like a vajra (meaning a stone). The toes, calves, knees and thighs are toned, become active and healthy. It helps in quick and proper digestion of food -- only asana which can be performed after meals. It helps the students to concentrate and improve memory, because when the backbone is kept straight, there is a steady flow of nerve current or nerve energy through the body. Vajrasana keeps many diseases at bay—constipation ,indigestion, tonsils, cytica etc....

Hunger Vs. Appetite ---HEALTH

Hunger and Appetite are two entirely diiferent attributes of the human body.


1. Hunger is the normal demand for food.

2. It is like the rosy hue upon the cheek of the healthy child.


1. Appetite is the abnormal craving.

2. It is like the rouged face of the woman of fashion.