Monday, June 7, 2010

Treat under eye puffiness the natural way!

Puffiness and under eye bags can also age you as much as deep wrinkles around the eyes. Under eye puffiness is caused mainly due to the following reasons:
1.Water retention in the body.
2.Taking too many steroids.
3.Hereditary factors.
4.Growing age.
5.Lack of sleep.
5.Heart problems.
6.Using a very low pillow.

Reduce the puffiness by trying to follow as many below-mentioned ways as as possible:

1. Remain hydrated by drinking plenty of water. When enough water is not provided to the body, it starts retaining water as a defense mechanism, causing puffiness or bags under the eyes. Try drinking 4 glasses of water as you get up in the morning without brushing your teeth and the rest, throughout the day.
2. Press very gently the under-eye area with your ring finger(this finger gives the least pressure on the delicate eye area) as you get up in the morning.
3. Keep a set of six to eight spoons in the freezer and press gently the upper and lower eye puffiness with them or dip spoons in cold water and press gently.
4. Rinse used tea/chamomile/green tea bags in cold water and keep on the closed eyelids for 15 minutes daily. The tannin and caffeine present in tea help to reduce puffiness under the eyes. Tea bags can be stored in plastic bags in the refrigerator.
5. Cucumber or potato slices placed on the eyelids reduce swelling and puffiness.
6. Take two or one higher pillow to sleep if you have puffiness.
7. Do not drink much water just before bedtime.
8. If applying or massaging the under eye area with almond or any other cream, make it a point to wipe it off softly before sleeping.
9. Avoid oily, heavy and food especially in dinner.
10.Keep a gap of atleast 3 hours between dinner and sleep.
11.Try not to sleep on your stomach.
12.Have adequate sleep. Early to bed, early to rise as a right adage. The sleep before 12 in the night is very important; the ratio of sleep before and after 12 being 1:2.
Your eyes are the window to your soul! Take care of them in every respect.


Maho Lucil said...

You might wanna use organic eye creams, an effective remedy for reducing eye puffiness. It's proven safe and has no harsh ingredients that can irritate your sensitive skin.

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