Normally the body sheds 100 hair per day and 100 take their place. But if the body sheds more hair than it produces, it is hairloss.
The hair is comprised mostly of protein, so to encourage hairgrowth take a diet rich in proteins especially soy proteins. Soy proteins can be consumed in any of the forms:
*soy milk
*soy chunks/granules/ flakes
*soyabeans (soaked overnight, steamed & can be eaten with other sprouts in breakfast). Grind soaked soyabean, mix water, and strain. Consume this milk which also protects against osteoporisis.
*soy flour mixed in wheatflour in the proportion 1:10 i.e. 1 kg soy flour mixed in 10 kg of wheatflour.
Other good sources of proteins are low-fat cheese, eggs, beans and yoghurt.
A diet rich in iron, calcium and silica found in green leafy vegetables, oats, dried fruits, beet root is also beneficial.
Avoid fatty foods, cold drinks, animal protein and go for amla(Indian gooseberry),nuts, seeds,raisins, coconut, olive oil on a regular basis.
In this 24/7 world, there is lot of stress; indulge yourself in hobbies, outings and exercise to keep away petty worries, tension and stress.