When you have no time or you are in your office/college, then make it a point to sit straight in your chair after your meals atleast for five minutes. The purpose is to keep your spine straight so that the food is very easily and quickly digested. Once you make it a habit, then it will not be difficult.
But when you have time and place, do sit on Vajrasana because it will also make your back, legs and feet firm, toned and strong increasing your concentration power too (because you are keeping your back straight ) Unless and until you practice, you will not know the wonders of this asana. While sitting in this posture, (you can sit on your bed) you can read a book or watch T.V ; make your family members also sit along with you.
Still, if you cannot sit, lie on your left side ( called Narayan pose ). This helps the liver (situated on the right side of the body) to secret bile which dissolves fats and aids in digestion.