India is a great country and our culture and heritage given by saints and yogis are unparalleled and we must be proud of it. Yoga is a part of our heritage. It offers a dynamic plan of harmonious living and is very helpful in our physical, mental and spiritual advancement.
Health is the natural state of man, and Disease is simply the absence of health. Various kinds of asanas are for general health and can cure many diseases. For instance, Vajrasana, which makes our body firm and strong like a vajra (meaning a stone). The toes, calves, knees and thighs are toned, become active and healthy. It helps in quick and proper digestion of food -- only asana which can be performed after meals. It helps the students to concentrate and improve memory, because when the backbone is kept straight, there is a steady flow of nerve current or nerve energy through the body. Vajrasana keeps many diseases at bay—constipation ,indigestion, tonsils, cytica etc....
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