Tip to help you avoid H1N1
The Holy basil (Tulsi) comes to our help to avoid H1N1 naturally. Five leaves of Tulsi taken with water every day keeps the swine flu away. Tulsi has a great medicinal value. It also boosts our immunity and keeps us healthy curing common cold, cough, sore throat, respiratory problems,stomach disorders, skin problems and is a great stress reliever.
Do not chew the leaves, instead break them into pieces and swallow with water(tulsi contains little quantities of mercury and damages our teeth if chewed).
Another way to have tulsi is: Boil a few leaves in water, strain and mix little of this water in your daily beverage (tea, milk, coffee, juice etc.)
If fresh leaves are not available, dry basil leaves (available in the market) or leaves dried at home can be used in curries and snacks. Go ahead, add another important herb (basil) on your kitchen shelf and stay healthy always.
The Holy basil (Tulsi) comes to our help to avoid H1N1 naturally. Five leaves of Tulsi taken with water every day keeps the swine flu away. Tulsi has a great medicinal value. It also boosts our immunity and keeps us healthy curing common cold, cough, sore throat, respiratory problems,stomach disorders, skin problems and is a great stress reliever.
Do not chew the leaves, instead break them into pieces and swallow with water(tulsi contains little quantities of mercury and damages our teeth if chewed).
Another way to have tulsi is: Boil a few leaves in water, strain and mix little of this water in your daily beverage (tea, milk, coffee, juice etc.)
If fresh leaves are not available, dry basil leaves (available in the market) or leaves dried at home can be used in curries and snacks. Go ahead, add another important herb (basil) on your kitchen shelf and stay healthy always.