One stroke of "KAPALBHATI" Pranayam takes one second and reduces half gram of excess weight !
Sit in any position...... back straight.......empty stomach or 3 hrs after meals.
Exhale forcefully, inhalation being normal. This is one stroke of Kapalbhati and takes 1 second.
Start with 10 strokes......slowly increasing to 20...30 and so on.......practice daily for atleast five minutes (maximum fifteen minutes).......[1min=60times, 5min=300times].....taking rest in between (always listen to your body).
'Kapal' means forehead and 'bhati' means shining. Daily practice will give a glow on your face and make you parmanent healthy....... Try for a week and see the results!
Lean or obese, anyone can do because it reduces only excess fat.
Kapalbhati is also beneficial in Thyroid, Diabetes, Obesity, cholestrol,snoring, stomach problems, bronchitis, allergies, constipation, acidity, asthma, liver, Hapitisis B, cysts and concentration.
Those with high blood pressure or heart problems must avoid or do very very slowly.
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