Apple shaped body
1.The fat is distributed in the upper body above the waist.
2.Apples have large amounts of deep fat stored around the waist/abdomen(surrounding the internal organs) called visceral fat.3.There is no defined waist.
4.There is relatively higher level of androgen present in apples and rectangles therefore, more of a masculine bone structure.
5.Eat fiber filled foods which keep sugar, cholostrol, heart problems at bay.
6.Because large amount of fat is around the tummy, regular exercise and diet control is a must to avoid any type of problems or diseases.
7.Apples become rectangles when they lose weight, they cannot become pears.
Pear shaped body
1. The fat is distributed in the lower body below the waist.
2.Most fat is stored in the hips, buttocks and thighs called subcutaneous fat(under the skin).
3.The waist is defined.
3.The waist is defined.
4.Lesser levels of androgen therefore, more of a feminine bone structure.
5.Must eat low fat foods. Pear fat cells are 'magnet cells', the bottom part attracts all the fat you consume.
6.Physical activity is necessary for everyone to keep healthy.
7.Pears remain pears only when they lose weight(top smaller than bottom). They can become apples when they put on too much weight.
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